
Water Fest 2024

Connecting Science and Society through Conversations towards Conservation!

Water has a Connective Capacity! The interdependence of societal, ecological, economic, cultural and political aspects revolving around water systems forms the essence of civilisation.

The connective capacity of water is paramount, bridging diverse functions within human society and ecosystems. Therefore, The Water Fest 2024 is a tribute to this profound connective power, dedicated to revitalising the relationship between water resources and individuals.

The Water Fest will be hosted in Varanasi, a historical location significant for its connotation & connection with water. The two-days event hosted by WforW Foundation along with the Department of Civil Engineering of IIT-BHU. It will serve as a platform for dialogue, discussion, debate, documentation and dissemination on water-related worries and wisdom.

Participants will engage in a myriad of water (Jal-) activities such as, 

‘Aadan Pradan’ (Knowledge Exchange), 

‘Samvad’ Interactions, 

‘Samudayik Vyastata’ (Community Engagement), 

‘Khel-Kood’ (Games), 

‘Kala aur Sanskriti’ (Arts and Culture).

The objective of the Water Fest is to rekindle the sacred bond between humanity and water, fostering a deeper understanding of our collective responsibility in conserving this invaluable resource.

The theme aims to bring together scientific knowledge and societal awareness by presenting water-related challenges and solutions in accessible ways to engage and empower the water community.

Also the Water Fest aspires to be a catalyst for change, initiating a ripple effect that extends beyond the event’s duration. Basically through inclusive and holistic conversations, it seeks to create a sustainable engagement towards water conservation.