We believe in the
power of water
Access to safe water and sanitation can quickly
turn problems into potential – empowering people with time for school and work, and contributing to improved health for women, children, and families
aroundthe world.

Air Water Generators
Air is the second-largest source of water in the world. Aeronero devices utilize this untapped potential to Produce pure drinking water anywhere with Relative Humidity as low as 20%. The devices work by drawing in air, after which condensation of vapor takes place inside a specially designed patented loop technology that has the ability to harness water even in adverse climatic conditions. Their Technology is unique in the efficiency, capacity, cost, filtration system, minerals cartridges as well as the variation in the climate and geographic areas that it can be in.

Awareness & Education
A Public Service message:
Printed Posters in high visibility, high footfall areas High impact with spend of only Rs 10 per Poster
Partnering with NGOs to innovate, ideate and generate solutions for and on water awareness, management and reuse. Aesthetic City Wall Art

Grey water reuse
Saving and recycling wastewater is #1 way to protect and sustain Earth’s water and our health.
Grey water reuse:
Saves over 3400 billion litres of water annually – for household water treatment
Saves 5600 billion litres of water annually – for commercial water treatment
That is enough water to take care of waterless regions across the world.
The opportunity is in “Waste water management”!

Rain Water Harnessing
Save Water, save Electricity, save Money
Rain water filter:
Collects rainwater in your underground sump
Brings Water independence.

Recharge wells
Recharge well device:
Improves the Water Table
Prevents City Flooding
Reduces Water Runoff
The Recharge Wells is a simple concept to raise water table all over, and to tackle flooding, and water runoff during rains.

We help installing sewage disposal in schools, slums, villages:
We install it in situ toilets using rings or panel walls in one day,
It prevents sewage mixing with ground water,
We are providing technical support,
Global Grants available.
Air is the second-largest source of water in the world. Aeronero devices utilize this untapped potential to Produce pure drinking water anywhere with Relative Humidity as low as 20%. The devices work by drawing in air, after which condensation of vapor takes place inside a specially designed patented loop technology that has the ability to harness water even in adverse climatic conditions. Their Technology is unique in the efficiency, capacity, cost, filtration system, minerals cartridges as well as the variation in the climate and geographic areas that it can be in.
A Public Service message:
Printed Posters in high visibility, high footfall areas High impact with spend of only Rs 10 per Poster
Partnering with NGOs to innovate, ideate and generate solutions for and on water awareness, management and reuse.
Aesthetic City Wall Art
Saving and recycling wastewater is #1 way to protect and sustain Earth’s water and our health.
Grey water reuse:
Saves over 3400 billion litres of water annually – for household water treatment.
Saves 5600 billion litres of water annually – for commercial water treatment.
That is enough water to take care of waterless regions across the world.
The opportunity is in.
“Waste water management” !
Save Water, save Electricity, save Money
Rain water filter:
Collects rainwater in your underground sump.
Brings Water independence.
Recharge well device:
Improves the Water Table!
Prevents City Flooding,
Reduces Water Runoff,
The Recharge Wells is a simple concept to raise water table all over, and to tackle flooding, and water runoff during rains.
We help installing sewage disposal in schools, slums, villages:
We install it in situ toilets using rings or panel walls in one day,
It prevents sewage mixing with ground water,
We are providing technical support,
Global Grants available.